Friday, April 6, 2012

Call system software installed to open file

How to call in the application installed in the system to open a file.

This is a way to open the file:
private void openFile(File file) { 
Intent intent = new Intent();
//Set the intent of the Action Properties
intent.setAction (Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
//Get the MIME type of the file file
String type = getMIMEType(file);
//Set the data, and Type properties of the intent.
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), type); /*uri*/
startActivity (intent);

File extension corresponding to the MIME type:
private String getMIMEType(File file) {  
    String type="*/*";  
    String fName = file.getName();  
    //Get the extension separator "." Position in the fName.
    int dotIndex = fName.lastIndexOf(".");  
    if(dotIndex < 0){  
        return type;  
    /* Get the suffix of the file name */  
    String end=fName.substring(dotIndex,fName.length())
    if(end=="")return type;  
    //MIME and file types match table to find the 
    //corresponding MIME type. 
    for(int i=0;i< MIME_MapTable.length;i++){
    //MIME_MapTable? Here you have questions 
    about this MIME_MapTable 
            type = MIME_MapTable[i][1];  
    return type;  
MIME_MapTable is a String array of all the file extension corresponding to the MIME type:
private final String[][] MIME_MapTable={  
            //{Extension, MIME type} 
            {".3gp",    "video/3gpp"},  
            {".apk",    "application/"},  
            {".asf",    "video/x-ms-asf"},  
            {".avi",    "video/x-msvideo"},  
            {".bin",    "application/octet-stream"},  
            {".bmp",    "image/bmp"},  
            {".c",  "text/plain"},  
            {".class",  "application/octet-stream"},  
            {".conf",   "text/plain"},  
            {".cpp",    "text/plain"},  
            {".doc",    "application/msword"},  
            {".docx",   "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},  
            {".xls",    "application/"},   
            {".xlsx",   "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},  
            {".exe",    "application/octet-stream"},  
            {".gif",    "image/gif"},  
            {".gtar",   "application/x-gtar"},  
            {".gz", "application/x-gzip"},  
            {".h",  "text/plain"},  
            {".htm",    "text/html"},  
            {".html",   "text/html"},  
            {".jar",    "application/java-archive"},  
            {".java",   "text/plain"},  
            {".jpeg",   "image/jpeg"},  
            {".jpg",    "image/jpeg"},  
            {".js", "application/x-javascript"},  
            {".log",    "text/plain"},  
            {".m3u",    "audio/x-mpegurl"},  
            {".m4a",    "audio/mp4a-latm"},  
            {".m4b",    "audio/mp4a-latm"},  
            {".m4p",    "audio/mp4a-latm"},  
            {".m4u",    "video/vnd.mpegurl"},  
            {".m4v",    "video/x-m4v"},   
            {".mov",    "video/quicktime"},  
            {".mp2",    "audio/x-mpeg"},  
            {".mp3",    "audio/x-mpeg"},  
            {".mp4",    "video/mp4"},  
            {".mpc",    "application/vnd.mpohun.certificate"},        
            {".mpe",    "video/mpeg"},    
            {".mpeg",   "video/mpeg"},    
            {".mpg",    "video/mpeg"},    
            {".mpg4",   "video/mp4"},     
            {".mpga",   "audio/mpeg"},  
            {".msg",    "application/"},  
            {".ogg",    "audio/ogg"},  
            {".pdf",    "application/pdf"},  
            {".png",    "image/png"},  
            {".pps",    "application/"},  
            {".ppt",    "application/"},  
            {".pptx",   "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},  
            {".prop",   "text/plain"},  
            {".rc", "text/plain"},  
            {".rmvb",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},  
            {".rtf",    "application/rtf"},  
            {".sh", "text/plain"},  
            {".tar",    "application/x-tar"},     
            {".tgz",    "application/x-compressed"},   
            {".txt",    "text/plain"},  
            {".wav",    "audio/x-wav"},  
            {".wma",    "audio/x-ms-wma"},  
            {".wmv",    "audio/x-ms-wmv"},  
            {".wps",    "application/"},  
            {".xml",    "text/plain"},  
            {".z",  "application/x-compress"},  
            {".zip",    "application/x-zip-compressed"},  
            {"",        "*/*"}    


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